• Eldico Scientific AG

Electron Diffraction (microED) Research Services

Save time, resource and material

From our laboratory in Basel (CH), ELDICO Scientific offers a comprehensive range of contract analytical services.  

Whether a one off exploration, or as part of an ongoing need, ELDICO Scientific offers a range of agreements to suit all needs. Each customer is appointed with a lead application scientist who will work with you to help scope the work and provide regular updates.  

More specifically, we offer a wide range of services, from measurement-as-a-service to advanced scientific applications services and joint R&D projects.  The ELDICO team supports you in single sample projects as well as in larger and more complex projects with specific research questions behind.  

Our team of experienced application scientists is looking forward to discussing and developing your projects with you. On the basis of our high scientific qualifications and our extensive wealth of experience, we are also able to discuss and design challenging scientific projects with you. At the same time, we are happy to accept your sample and solve it according to your needs and requirements. This can but does not need to include the structure solution. We are also happy to provide you with the raw data only and leave the analytical work to you.   

Dedicated to advancing 3D Electron Diffraction (ED) applications, our center is committed to pushing the boundaries of scientific exploration. Contact us to discuss your specific needs and discover how we can collaborate to bring innovative solutions to fruition. 

  • We will need only a few nanocrystals (less than 1 mg of your powder compound). 
  • Only a few minutes to obtain a diffraction pattern. 
  • Determine the structure without the need of growing a large crystal for SC-XRD. 

If you want to learn more contact us at my-sample@eldico.ch.  

1. Applications and services:

From diffraction data collection (and pre-processing), structure determination (and refinement) to advanced structural analyses such as determination of the absolute configuration, we offer tailor-made service packages demonstrating good practices, reproducible results and timely delivery. 

How we support the Pharmaceutical industry

Crystal structure determination

Electron Diffraction measurement on a single, stable, solid, crystalline sample of 10 nm minimum dimension in one direction, preferably 200-300 nm in the other directions. Deliverable will be the diffraction data as a normalized intensity file, structure solution and kinematic refinement, molecular structure, crystallographic files (.lst, .res, .ins, .fcf, .cif), and crystallographic tables, including molecule drawing and atom coordinates.

Absolute configuration determination

In addition to crystal structure determination, the absolute configuration will be determined for cases where the crystal structure consists of either enantiopure chiral molecule(s), group(s) or chiral centre(s). Deliverable will additionally be the absolute configuration determination, dynamic refinement, crystallographic files (.lst, .res, .ins, .fcf, .cif), and crystallographic tables.

Crystal mapping

Identification by determining the cell parameters of the different crystals on a measurement grid through electron diffraction. Deliverables will be the cell parameters of all crystals analyzed.

Determination of micro-crystallinity in amorphous solids

Electron Diffraction Measurement on all crystals on the measurement grid to identify if there is local micro-crystallinity present in one of the crystals.

How we support the Battery industry

Identification of position of low amounts of doping metals

Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are often modified with doping elements to address issues such as capacity degradation, voltage fading and structural instability. Electron Diffraction can give incredibly valuable and indispensable insight into the crystal lattice structure of doped cathode materials. Identification of low amounts of doping materials has been one of Electron Diffraction successful applications with potential to be the main technique to be used in the field.

Testing of precipitation and crystallisation

The metal salts that serve as starting materials for cathode production, including Li2CO3, NiSO4, CoSO4 and MnSO4, are mainly produced using hydrometallurgical processes. In these processes, precipitation and crystallization are important unit operations and need well controlled ways of testing. Electron Diffraction could potentially eliminate the use of a number of other techniques used in this area, becoming the method of choice to test precipitates and crystals.

Parametrisation of the unit cells for model input parameters

Battery companies invest enormously in obtaining models for the crystal structure of lithium compounds. This process needs a good input of parameters such as the unit cell as well as particle size and shape of the lithium. With Electron Diffraction we can obtain these parameters in minutes rather than hours allowing the model to be effective and usable within shorter timescales.

Characterisation of Lithium plating and Lithium dendrites

The growth of lithium dendrites in inorganic solid electrolytes is a recognized problem that hinders the development of reliable all-solid-state lithium metal batteries. Revealing the nanostructure using our Electron Diffraction capabilities has shown excellent results giving the unique possibility of preventing future formation of this harmful material.

ELDICO Scientific not only runs a Customer Experience Center. Our ED service offering serves as a first step to familiarise oneself with the novel analytical services and to give companies and institutions the opportunity to become confident in the performance of the method and the instrument.

Our more than 40 academic and industrial clients are realising the wide range of applications for ED technology and have begun to modify their internal processes to better exploit the potential of ED on a larger scale. We support this with flexible solutions, including long-term service contracts, leasing solutions (with or without an operator) and the option to purchase an electron diffractometer.

2. Leasing solutions 

We offer solutions for those who do not want to own and/or run the system themselves. By teaming up with experienced financial partners, we provide you with cash neutral subscription solutions, ranging from a basic leasing option to sophisticated performance-based contracts.  

If you want to run your own electron diffractometer without investing in the complete system today, we offer you innovative leasing solutions. 

If you want to use electron diffraction services without operating your own system we offer your comprehensive solutions including a trained and ELDICO certified operator. 

Furthermore, we offer long term service agreements in combinations with a membership in one of our experience centers at a fraction of the systems cost. Spare your CAPEX and opt for beneficial OPEX oriented solutions. 

3. System Purchase

The ELDICO ED-1 is a turn-key instrument that directly produces high-quality structural information in the nanocrystal regime and delivers reliable results within a few hours, with a clear per-measurement cost advantage. 

The smart combination of a powerful goniometer and the large sample chamber makes the ELDICO ED-1 the perfect solution to perform challenging experiments in ambient or cryo conditions. 

The ELDICO Scientific Electron Diffractometer is designed to measure samples in the nanometer range of organic and inorganic compounds under ambient or cryo conditions with unprecedented quality and yet unseen speed. 

As a remarkably compact device, it does not require any spatial modifications before or during installation and can be quickly set up and put into operation in the existing lab environment. A new generation of measuring instrument and as such a class of its own. 

Please contact us to learn more about our superior solution.  

Do you have a question about your sample?

Have a chat with our experts

Customer-specific needs can also be discussed and tailored to provide solutions together with our experts. You can easily schedule a talk with us by pressing the button below. 

  • ELDICO Scientific AG
  • c/o Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area AG

  • Hegenheimermattweg 167 A

  • 4123 Allschwil

  • Switzerland