ECM34 will be a four-day effervescent and intensive scientific meeting with many learning opportunities in every current aspect of crystallography combined with a large commercial exhibition.
In addition to the ECA council and the SIGs and GIGs annual meetings, there will be a special Young Crystallographers meeting, multiple workshops and user meetings, lunch meetings, and a wide social programme, which will allow scientists from all over Europe and the world to meet, connect, discuss and exchange.
We hope to see you there!
This event aims to provide ample opportunity for fruitful discussion and dialogues between experts from different fields of crystallization and to incite collaborations at the international level between the different disciplines on the area of nucleation, crystallization, crystal growth and self-assembly.
This is the world’s most diverse, stimulating, and exciting event for the future of all labs. Start-ups, disruptors and innovators from academia, Biotech, Pharma, Chemicals, Food & Beverage, Agricultural, Materials, FMGC, Architects, Planners and many more are invited to help pave the way and share their experiences and vision for the lab of the future.
The course is designed for all formulation and analytical scientists involved
in research, development, manufacturing, quality assurance and life-cycle
management of originator and generic solid dosage forms. It will be of particular interest to participants who wish to get the most recent insights in the
advancements of non-compendial analytical methods, and to increase their
knowledge in this highly inter-disciplinary and rapidly advancing field.
c/o Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area AG
Hegenheimermattweg 167 A
4123 Allschwil