ELDICO’s electron diffractometer, ELDICO ED-1, will be installed at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK) at Stockholm University.
The revolutionary electron diffractometer shows compelling performance: With recently achieved R1 values below 10% the ELDICO ED-1 delivers results of unprecedented quality for 3D ED data collection and is as such perfectly suited for demanding scientific applications.
The Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK) at Stockholm University will receive an ELDICO ED-1, the world’s first system dedicated solely to electron diffraction. The Swiss technology company ELDICO Scientific and Stockholm University have signed an agreement today. The innovative device will be delivered and put into operation in the first quarter of 2023. That novel electron diffractometer delivers measurement results of unprecedented quality for a broad range of scientific samples. The diffractometer is designed to measure samples in the range from 10 to 1,000 nm and is targeted to provide resolution of at least to 0.82 Å and has recently achieved R1 values below 10%. Much smaller crystals can thus be analysed, and the time-consuming cultivation of larger crystals is rendered superfluous. The ELDICO ED-1 combines the potential of electrons with the accuracy and the ease-of-use known from X-ray crystallography.
Stockholm University, and in particular Professor Xiaodong Zou’s group, has been a leader in electron diffraction for decades and operates a large variety of analytical instruments. This will now be significantly expanded with the ELDICO ED-1. “ELDICO’s electron diffractometer is a new analytical instrument that will greatly expand our analytical and scientific capabilities, especially in the field of porous materials such as zeolites and metal-organic frameworks. We are therefore very pleased to be among the first research institutions able to operate an ELDICO ED-1,” says Prof. Xiaodong Zou, from the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK) at Stockholm University.
“We are honoured to count Xiaodong Zou’s group and Stockholm University, a pioneer in electron diffraction, among our first customers,” says Dr. Sebastian Schegk, Chief Commercial Officer of ELDICO Scientific, at the signing ceremony in Stockholm.
The Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry at Stockholm University has always been at the forefront of scientific research in 3D ED matters. It is as such perfectly set up to make use of ELDICOs groundbreaking innovation. The ELDICO ED-1 has a 160 keV electron beam perfectly suited for the investigation and treatment of sensitive samples, which was developed in partnership with Excillum, a leading high-tech company in the field of high end X-ray sources and advanced e-beam technology .
Dr. Hongyi Xu, principal investigator and as such responsible to further develop and apply electron crystallography methods says: “ELDICO ED-1 is a user-friendly electron diffractometer that is easy to setup for 3D ED data collection. The ground-up design from scratch and high precision engineering of the goniometer offers outstanding continuous rotation stability and great flexibility for further method development.”
Dr. Petra Simoncic, Chief Innovation Officer at ELDICO, is looking forward to the new customer: “The cooperation with the Zou Group also includes further scientific collaboration. This will allow us to publish together and to adopt our instrument more and more to the ever-evolving requirements of the demanding academic users.”
ELDICO Scientific operates the world’s first Experience Centre in March in Basel, Switzerland and has made the electron diffraction more accessible and available to industry and science. Interested researchers from companies or scientific institutions can send in material samples to be analysed by ELDICO.
ELDICO announces succesful installation of ELDICO ED1 at Triclinic Labs.
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