Gain insight on what electron diffraction can do for solid state screening!
Do you know how Electron Diffraction (3D ED, MicroED) can accelerate your drug development and assist your solid state screening?
Learn how others have improved their workflow by implementing Electron Diffraction.
Watch our past seminar from TeraCrystal to have some insight.
Watch our webinar to learn more!
With electron diffraction you will be able to obtain structure elucidation on particles thinner than 2 micrometers. No need to grow large samples to obtain full crystal structure. You will also be able to identify minimal amounts of crystallinity in amourphous compounds.
ELDICO Scientific AG provides service as a measurment so you can see the benefits of using Electron Diffraction on your nanocrystals!
Book a demo with us or send us your samples, our skilled application team will be happy to work with you and find the best solution.
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ELDICO announces succesful installation of ELDICO ED1 at Triclinic Labs.
c/o Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area AG
Hegenheimermattweg 167 A
4123 Allschwil