From proof-of-concept to a market-ready product: ELDICO ED-1

Organic samples measured on the dedicated electron diffractometer demonstrate proof-of-concept and superior data quality
Thu, 28.10.2021

Paracetamol was the beginning of ELDICO’s story. With SCIENCE’s “Scientific Breakthrough of the Year 2018” nomination and Tim Gruene’s paper (to which our founders contributed) describing the first of its kind experiment on precisely this compound, the journey of our company started. 

We are excited to announce that paracetamol made it home at last: one such sample, among a variety of other organics, indeed, was recently successfully measured on our device, ELDICO ED-1, surpassing previously communicated results in literature. This advance is by far not the final, but a more than significant step in developing the first dedicated electron diffractometer – only to make room for even more exciting phases for our company and scientific community.


Seeing the unseen on a dedicated device was thrilling: with a horizontal design and a user-friendly sample positioning mechanism, ELDICO ED-1 turns out to be very intuitive to operate. Not only the process is improved, but the results of our experiments on organic samples also speak for themselves.


ELDICO ED-1 is optimized for diffraction experiments. With a stable goniometer for precise nano-rotation, the device proves to be easy-to-use (in both hardware and software aspects). Other features that make the device the instrument of choice for electron diffraction experiments are: low dose for beam-sensitive materials; octagon for custom attachments, e.g. in situ studies, hybrid pixel detector (HPD) for fast acquisition of data.

ELDICO ED-1 has already been featured in the latest round-up paper describing the latest developments for electron diffraction by Tim Gruene  and Enrico Mugnaioli:

‘The instrument by ELDICO is an entirely new design, much more akin to an X-ray diffractometer. The Swiss Innovation Park Basel Area also expects a dedicated electron diffractometer during 2021 (priv. commun. Dr. G. Santiso-Quinones, ELDICO Scientific)’ 

That is correct: soon enough the users will be able to see the first unit installed in the Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area and try the device. Until then, we are happy to receive your questions, or if interested in a quote for either a measurement, leasing option or system purchase, don’t hesitate to do so here

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  • ELDICO Scientific AG
  • c/o Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area AG

  • Hegenheimermattweg 167 A

  • 4123 Allschwil

  • Switzerland