ELDICO recognized as a top solution provider for laboratory instrumentation

Many thanks to Pharma Tech Outlook for featuring us and recognizing the great potential that a dedicated instrumentation for electron diffraction can yield for crystallography.
Tue, 20.04.2021

ELDICO’s novel electron diffractometer was recently recognized by Pharma Tech Outlook as a disruptive innovation in the field of laboratory automation and equipment. For good reasons – ELDICO’s device effortlessly enters the sub-μm regime, eliminating the obstacle posed by crystal sizes.

What does it mean to challenge the existing bottlenecks in crystallography and provide a solution that harmonizes innovation and the practical landscape of research? This was the focal point of the interview Pharma Tech Outlook had with our CEO and founder, Eric Hovestreydt.

Citing the pharmaceutical industry as an example, Eric made a clear point on how critical it is to determine the exact spatial structures of chemical compounds in order to approve and develop active drug ingredients. However, present structure analyses rely on large single crystals and unfortunately, most samples do not fall into this category, creating a huge bottleneck for experiments that  are  sometimes incredibly time-sensitive, as the coronavirus pandemic and the race for a cure have taught us. Using a process better than the approaches available would unleash immense potential in discovering new drugs.

ELDICO Scientific is introducing to the market the first dedicated device for electron diffraction, a technique that overcomes the limitations and shortcomings of existing analytical methods like X-ray crystallography, NMR or electron diffraction on “retrofitted” electron microscopes. The ELDICO system, produced and assembled with the help of world-leading component manufacturers, brings high-quality structural information directly in the nano-crystalline size, delivering results at up to 70% less cost, in a very time-efficient manner

Many thanks to Pharma Tech Outlook for featuring us and recognizing the great potential that a dedicated instrumentation for electron diffraction can yield for crystallography and, particularly, in the lab automation field, with immense applications in the pharmaceutical industry among numerous other use cases.

Do you want to learn more about ELDICO Scientific? You are interested to meet us at scientific conferences or events? Stay tuned! Contact the team at info@eldico.ch. Or simply subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media!

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  • ELDICO Scientific AG
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  • 4123 Allschwil

  • Switzerland