ECM33 Versailles in a nutshell: Over 400 visitors at the ELDICO booth informing themselves and discussing the potential of our technology – and we enjoyed every bit of it. The conference proved that electron diffraction is the up-to-the-minute topic for crystallography. With heavy traffic to our booth, a scientific presentation, posters and numerous inspiring conversations – ELDICO has contributed yet again to help popularize this emerging technology in the crystallographic community.
Above the great symposia, the keynotes, speeches, and all in all the stellar knowledge transfer that ECM embodied, our team learned a lot from the conversations with the fellow scientists on what the expectations, hopes and potential of electron diffraction is.
More and more application areas for electron crystallography
We saw a clear mirroring of our messaging: ‘Crystallography beyond boundaries’ as the sought-after applications for electron diffraction surpass classical fields such as Advanced Materials, API’s, or inorganic metal clusters with ‘designer quantum properties’ (quote). Scientists are seeking to exploit the strength of electron diffraction to go for very small crystals in fields like geology or the preservation of cultural heritage. While some scientists are only getting accustomed to electron diffraction, others already lay out far-reaching applications that display mastery of the topic and, consequently, the clear potential of ED in their research.
Pushing crystallography beyond boundaries
Similarly to the dissemination of all other technologies, the scientific community starts with one approach and one design into electron diffraction. The conference however showed us a matured crystallographic technique: electron diffraction inspires scientists for new and creative applications that will very likely lead to differentiated devices and experimental set-ups. We can only embrace that as supporters of the technique and the subsequent dedicated instrumentation. Many scientists want to apply ED to the structure determination of biological matter, i.e. proteins. 3D ED is a is a technology that will develop very far and ELDICO will be a pacemaker in this process.
Crystal elucidation in the nanometer regime made easy
Wanting to display the ease of use of the ELDICO ED-1, booth demos were organized for 3 days for distinct compound classes. The demos attracted a lot of interest not only from those who booked them, but also passers-by, eager to understand what is going on on the screen. Many of the leading research institutions using crystallography along the whole spectrum of available analytical methods in Europe are interested in the potential of electron diffraction.
ELDICO offers solutions for instant access to electron crystallography – also for academia
We want to help scientists get access to the novel technology very fast and many of the senior visitors from academia (responsible for the research budgets) coming to our booth appreciated our advanced financing models that bridge the immediate research need and the delayed budgeting and grant approval processes.
If you want to learn more about our special leasing options, drop us a line at
c/o Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area AG
Hegenheimermattweg 167 A
4123 Allschwil