ELDICO Scientific has appointed a first-class Scientific Advisory Board, consisting of pioneers in crystallography and electron microscopy from science and industry, who will support the company in the development of its electron diffractometer and make sure the relevant user requirements are being met. With Professor Jeroen van Bokhoven‘s recent affiliation to the board, the scientific standing of our company gets a boost.
Jeroen van Bokhoven has been an Associate Professor of Heterogeneous Catalysis in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biology of ETH Zurich since 2010 and Head of the Laboratory for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry (LSK) at Paul Scherrer Institute. His work is focused on the determination of structure-performance relationships, which aid the design and construction of better catalysts for cleaner and more efficient processes. His main interests are heterogeneous catalysts and developing advanced tools in X-ray spectroscopy to study the catalyst structure under catalytic relevant conditions. Their combination provides insight into the structure and function of the catalytically active sites.
“The continued development and application of electron diffraction is particularly important, because it enables structural analysis of individual crystals that are too small to be measured by X-ray diffraction”, says Professor van Bokhoven. This makes the further development of electron diffraction and the general availability to the scientific community highly important. The paper in Angewandte Chemie (30 (2018) 16551), authored by Tim Grüne (then a scientist in his group) and Julian Wennmacher (one of his PhD students) caused quite a stir in the crystallographic community. “It highlights the enormous potential that electron diffraction has in materials characterization and is exemplary for the emerging and sustainably high interest in electron diffraction”, adds Jeroen van Bokhoven.
Electron diffraction on a dedicated, i.e. particularly for the diffraction purposes developed instrument is a condition sine qua non for the further acceptance of the analytical technique. Since today scientists too often rely on full-blown microscopes, which are complex to operate, ELDICO’s Scientific Advisory Board advocates and supports the development of an electron diffractometer.
You can find out more about how a dedicated electron diffractometer can change the state of research in our selected white paper, available below.
ELDICO announces succesful installation of ELDICO ED1 at Triclinic Labs.
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